Moving site to another host...



I don't have much experience moving these types of site, but we're
changing sites, and I've been asked to move the site to a new server.
It's your typical setup Windows server, ASP.Net 2.0., a few SQL
databases. Is there an easy/best way to go about this? Any insight
would be most appreciated.

George Ter-Saakov

The moving itself is fairly simple.
You need to lock database to make sure no one can write into it. Then make a
full back up and copy it to new server.
Restore it there

The only problem is DNS servers. It takes from 1 to 3 days for them to be
updated and people around the world will hit an old server even after the
move. So before you ready to move change TTL (time to live) to minimum on
your DNS server.

Then DNS will not ba cached for long time.


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