Mike Klaiber

I am running WinXP. I have just downloaded and installed (I think) MM2.
However, on opening the program, nowhere can I see any confirmation that
this is in fact MM2 and not MM1. In Program Files and elsewhere it simply
says Windows Movie Maker. The program banner says the same.

I've read a number of posts about difficulty people have had with installing
and wonder if this has happened to me.

The version number shows 2.0.33120.

What makes me think the upgrade has not properly installed is that I have
down loaded and tried to install the Winter Fun Pack. This gets half way
through with the error message "Error 1901. Error attempting to read from
the source installation database C:\Windows\Installer\\c\bd7b.msi" although
the message is sometimes different, for example "....\1d1de63.msi". This
happens at the copying files stage of the install.

Two questions. 1. Has MM2 installed properly, or not. 2. If it has, what is
the problem with the Fun Pack installation.

Can anyone offer any help, or comment please ?

Mike Klaiber



open movie maker, click on help, about, the last line of
information will tell you the version.

it's best to download MM2 to your hard drive rather than
installing it from the MS server.

check out papajohn's website for detailed info

-----Original Message-----
I am running WinXP. I have just downloaded and installed (I think) MM2.
However, on opening the program, nowhere can I see any confirmation that
this is in fact MM2 and not MM1. In Program Files and elsewhere it simply
says Windows Movie Maker. The program banner says the same.

I've read a number of posts about difficulty people have had with installing
and wonder if this has happened to me.

The version number shows 2.0.33120.

What makes me think the upgrade has not properly installed is that I have
down loaded and tried to install the Winter Fun Pack. This gets half way
through with the error message "Error 1901. Error attempting to read from
the source installation database
C:\Windows\Installer\\c\bd7b.msi" although
the message is sometimes different, for
example "....\1d1de63.msi". This

Mike Klaiber

Thanks for your comment.

I had already checked the version no. as mentioned in my earlier post.

Having checked the additional features mentioned on PapaJohn's website, it
does indeed seem as if MM2 has installed.

However, that brings me to the other question of why the Ms Fun Pack will
not install. Any suggestions to overcome this please ?


| open movie maker, click on help, about, the last line of
| information will tell you the version.
| it's best to download MM2 to your hard drive rather than
| installing it from the MS server.
| check out papajohn's website for detailed info
| MM2/MM2.html
| >-----Original Message-----
| >I am running WinXP. I have just downloaded and installed
| (I think) MM2.
| >However, on opening the program, nowhere can I see any
| confirmation that
| >this is in fact MM2 and not MM1. In Program Files and
| elsewhere it simply
| >says Windows Movie Maker. The program banner says the
| same.
| >
| >I've read a number of posts about difficulty people have
| had with installing
| >and wonder if this has happened to me.
| >
| >The version number shows 2.0.33120.
| >
| >What makes me think the upgrade has not properly
| installed is that I have
| >down loaded and tried to install the Winter Fun Pack.
| This gets half way
| >through with the error message "Error 1901. Error
| attempting to read from
| >the source installation database
| C:\Windows\Installer\\c\bd7b.msi" although
| >the message is sometimes different, for
| example "....\1d1de63.msi". This
| >happens at the copying files stage of the install.
| >
| >Two questions. 1. Has MM2 installed properly, or not. 2.
| If it has, what is
| >the problem with the Fun Pack installation.
| >
| >Can anyone offer any help, or comment please ?
| >
| >
| >Mike Klaiber
| >
| >_________________________________________________________
| ___________________
| >________________________________________________________
| >
| >
| >.
| >

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