move between forms



Several days ago I started a thread and now I can't find it. I have a
patient database made up of several tables. The tables have forms linked to
them. I have found that if data entry was done and a patient had no entries
under a table - there Patient ID was not added to the table. So if I go into
the table Patient Demography to edit information and then click my command
button for go to medical history, I do not stay with the same patient. I
need to have all of my tables linked so that when I am editing or entering a
patient and I go top a new section - form - table I am looking at the same
patient data - even if the information for that section is blank.


John Vinson

Several days ago I started a thread and now I can't find it. I have a
patient database made up of several tables. The tables have forms linked to
them. I have found that if data entry was done and a patient had no entries
under a table - there Patient ID was not added to the table. So if I go into
the table Patient Demography to edit information and then click my command
button for go to medical history, I do not stay with the same patient. I
need to have all of my tables linked so that when I am editing or entering a
patient and I go top a new section - form - table I am looking at the same
patient data - even if the information for that section is blank.


The simplest way to do this is to use a Form for your patient
information, with Subforms for the related tables. If you use the
PatientID as the master/child link field, you'll see only the data for
that patient, and new records will automatically fill in with the
currently selected PatientID.

It's possible to do this with separate forms, but it requires some VBA
code, filtering the new form by PatientID, and passing the PatientID
in the OpenArgs argument of the FormOpen command, and using it to set
a default - doable but a fair bit of work. The subform takes care of
it automatically.

If you need the screen space, put a Tab Control on your main form and
put one subform on each page of the tab.

John W. Vinson[MVP]


Thank you. I have the tabs for subforms on my demographic page. I have all
1077 records and the subforms click on at the record I am entering - this is
wonderful. Thank you soooooooo much.

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