Mouse Trouble



I have the Microsoft TrackBall mouse.
It has thumb for clicks with a scroll wheel between and then a forward and
back buttons on the index and middle fingers.

Every time I want to use the forward and back buttons while browsing I have
to go into the control panel and activate it in the mouse properties. The
activation will last and does fine as long as I don't turn off my computer.
If I do I have to reactivate it each time I power my computer on. I've tried
to mess with the drivers.

Any suggestion on how to make this work? I've installed the software that
came with it.

This just recently started happening.




did you ck the start up application? go to "STERT" then "RUN" then type
"MSCONFIG" then "OK" go to "START UP" and make sure the mouse aplication is
active, if not chose the mouse application then "APPLY" then "OK" and reboot
windows. Thats how i did it. good luck


I think I did.
Could you tell me how I make sure the mouse aplication is active?
I don't see that anywhere in the msconfig.




once you are on the "Start Up" screen at "msconfig" look for tha name of the
mouse or mouse driver name and check it on the box on the left side of the
name( make sure you have the driver properly installed on your system)
remember on "msconfig" you"ll see everything tou installed on your PC, so it
must be there if you installed property.

Also try to download the mouse driver via internet, just in case you driver
disc may be damage. HERE, THRASHMETAL.

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