Mouse scroll wheel with forms


Vilem Sova

I have a data-entry form that's bound to a recordset, and uses the "where"
clause to go to a required record for editing, and the "acNewRec" option
when moving to a new record for data entry. However, when users scroll the
mouse wheel when in the form, the form goes to a new record. This causes
unwanted problems (and a lot of confusion for the users). I don't want the
users scrolling to a new record when already in a record that they're
editing. Note that the "Cycle" property has been set to "Current Record".

Is there some way to turn off this "feature"? Or alternatively, is there
some workaround?

Vilem Sova

Allen Browne

The mouse wheel does not change records in Access 2007. You can still scroll
records in a continuous form or datasheet, and you can use the MouseWheel
event if you want to scroll records as previous versions did, but it no
longer has that annoying behavior by default.

For earlier version, see:

missinglinq via

And to think, only last month I had someone take me to task when I suggested
that the most commonly used answer to this problem was Stephan's routine!
It's good to know MS finally addressed the mousewheel problem, Allen, but as
we all know, clients, unless they just opened for business, seldom have the
latest version of Access!

There's ALWAYS more than one way to skin a cat!

Answers/posts based on Access 2000

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