Mouse Over Graph, Capture Information on Click(Double Click)



What I have is a worksheet with a variety of charts. I have protected the
spreadsheet so that the users can't mess it up by accident or intentially.
However, I need to be able to capture the information that is displayed when
the user mouses over a bar on the chart, so that when the chart is clicked, I
can use that data to create/goto a subsequent drilldown chart on another

I believe by protecting the primary worksheet, excel/vba will not allow me
to capture of the mouse over information. Is there a way I can do this
without exposing the worksheet to potential modiciation from end-users?

Thank you in advance for any assistance.

Jon Peltier

Dean -

A chart's events will not fire unless the chart is activated. However, you can allow
activation of a chart without allowing changes. Check out the ProtectContents,
ProtectFormatting, and ProtectData properties of a chart.

If you need help to get the chart information, try one of these:

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

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