Mouse and Keyboard Problem. Need Help!



I have a Celeron 1.7 machine running Win2000 pro which
recently developed a couple of problems.

The first is that my keyboard lost all "repeat" functions.
(ie. If you hold down a key it's supposed to keep
repeating the key over and over until released). I have
went into the control panel and tried different settings
to no avail.

And secondly, at what seems to be the worst possible time,
my mouse just goes crazy. It moves all over the screen
right and left clicking at random. I have scanned my PC
with Norton (w/updated virus definitions) to see if I may
have gotten a virus, but none were found.

The only thing that has been recently installed is a
Lexmark printer. But it was several days before these
problems started.

Everyone I talk to says I should reformat the hard drive.
That, at this point, is not an option. I have about 20 to
30 gigs of information collected over a long period of
time on it that I do not want to lose. I know I could buy
another hard drive and copy my data onto it after
reinstalling, but was trying to avoid that.

Any suggestions?

no one

your cheapest "out" is going to be the new hard drive
option. They cost less than $100 for about a 40 gig.
Hang it as a master and install windows clean on it. put
on your antivirus software and then you're free to copy
the data from the old drive. One cavaet though, you
MIGHT transfer the problem when you copy your data.
That's what happened to a friend of mine and he had to
pull the slave drives and reformat and rebuild it again!

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