Most Effective Way? Multiple asp:dropdownlist




Quick question regarding dropdownlists.

On one page I have 10 asp:dropdownlists.
The user selects an option from a dropdown list and then it updates an
asp:label with the relevant text.
The user must select an option from each dropdown list.

All the dropdownlists are to be populated from a SQL database.
I am currently using the "OnSelectedIndexChanged" to call the function
after each change.
For datafilling the DropDownlists I was going to use ExecuteReader
command in the code. But by doing it this way, I need to open and
close a connection to the database for each datafill of the dropdown
This doesnt seem very efficient to me, so I was wondering what the
experts view was on the most effective and efficient way of doing

Any thoughts welcome and appriciated.


p.s. - The data for the dropdownlists is all in one table, and I have
to run a seperate query to pull the relevant data out for each list.
p.p.s - I hope that all makes sense!!

Joe Fallon

It is probably more effective to use a dataset.
Hit the DB once and pull back all the data that would satisfy every
Then use 10 dataviews on the dataset and bind each dropdown to a dataview.

Harry Singh


Thanks for the info.
I don't suppose by any chance you could point me in the direction of
some samples. (sample code c#)
I have had a look, but cant seem to find anything relevant.

Any help appriciated as always.

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