Most bizarre thing I have seen in Access



OK, so this question has two parts.

First of all, is there a way to update the "source data" in a report? As in,
can I go back and change the Data, Series and Axis information once the
report is created. What I have is like the following:

Ted McDonalds 5
Ted Olive Garden 2
Ted Red Lobster 1
Bill McDonalds 3
Bill Olive Garden 2
Bill Red Lobster 1

What I want to do is have the x-axis be the people's names, and my y-axis be
a staggered column adding together all of each individual's restaurant
visits. So Ted would have the red bar rise to 3, then a blue bar go from 2-4,
and a yellow bar go from 4-5. Whenever I try to creat this in a report, I
drag the person's name in the x-axis, the restaurant as the legend, and the
numbers as the y-axiz. It does not work. Any thoughts?

Secondly, this part makes no sense to me. Whenver I create any type of
report, the print preview screen is normal, but when I switch over to Form
Design, the values on the x-axis are always "East", "West", "North", "South".
Those coordinates are NEVER in my report. Why is this?

Thanks for any ideas or suggestions,


Mark A. Sam


Q1- You can do this by opening your report form a button which first sets up
the data then opens the report something like this...

Private Sub SomeButton_Click()

Put code here to populate a temp table which runs the report. You can use
queries or DAO or however you chose to do this.

DoCmd.OpenReport "SomeReport"

End Sub

Now every time you click the button, the data is recreated and the form

If you are using Access 2007 you can place the button right on the form and
go into ReportView. This is similar to PrintPreview but the report is more
like a continuous for which can be scrolled and the button executed from the

God Bless,

Mark A. Sam


Thanks Mark, I think I need to learn more about SQL code for Forms and
Reports. Does everything you state go into Visual Basic? I'll be reading up
on this, and I'll follow-up with more questions.

But as for the second part of my question, do you have any idea why the form
design keeps changing my table to have "North", "South", etc.? I have never
used those words in any query, table, form, or report that I have run.

Thanks again,

Mark A. Sam


I don't know what is happening with the North, South, East and West unless
those are field names. Are you talking about a report or a form? They are
different animals.

God Bless,

Mark A. Sam


I think this might be some glitch with the Access file I have. I use the
chart wizard to create a graph as a report. In the x axis I put time, in the
y axiz I put the corresponding numbers. In the print preview screen, I see
the graph as I anticipated, time ( 8 AM to 5 PM) and the corresponding
numbers in bar graph form. When I change to design form, my x-axis becomes
"East", "West", "North", and "South", and a completely different set of
corresponding numbers. I have no idea why. Have you ever heard of anything
like this?

Mark A. Sam

Sorry I can't help you there. I haven't had much experience with the Chart

Rick Brandt

Amin said:
I think this might be some glitch with the Access file I have. I use
the chart wizard to create a graph as a report. In the x axis I put
time, in the y axiz I put the corresponding numbers. In the print
preview screen, I see the graph as I anticipated, time ( 8 AM to 5
PM) and the corresponding numbers in bar graph form. When I change to
design form, my x-axis becomes "East", "West", "North", and "South",
and a completely different set of corresponding numbers. I have no
idea why. Have you ever heard of anything like this?

When your report is in design view the chart has no access to your data and
so the chart design tools will often only show "sample data". I always
build my charts in a form because a form will let me design the chart while
in normal view and then I see my data in the chart designer. When I am
finished designing the chart then I copy it into a report.


Rick Brandt said:
When your report is in design view the chart has no access to your data and
so the chart design tools will often only show "sample data". I always
build my charts in a form because a form will let me design the chart while
in normal view and then I see my data in the chart designer. When I am
finished designing the chart then I copy it into a report.
Thank you for the explanation and the suggestion. It was MOST helpful.

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