More than one category


Mary Ann

I have a list of customers, and in a separate table a list of categories. I
understand how to create a one-to-many relationship and a lookup. What do I
do if the customer can belong to more than one category?
I have created “many-to-many†relationships before e.g. between a courses
table and a staff table, with the junction table in the middle to put people
on course, effectively creating two one-to-many relationships.
However, my need for the customers is much smaller. I just want to be able
to show they belong to two categories and be able to enter this in the form
with their other address details etc.

Allen Browne

The junction table will be the way to do.

Ultimately, you will have:
- a little table with one record for each category.
- a junction table,with fields:
o CustomerID
o CategoryID

The junction table will be a little subform (Continuous view) on your
Customer form. The subform will have a combo for selecting the category (one
per row.)

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