More regular expression woes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark Rae
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Mark Rae


This time, I'm looking for a regular expression which says "the string must
contain exactly seven or exactly eight digits" e.g.

123456 fails
1234567 passes
12345678 passes
123456789 fails

I've tried this:


but that allows 123456789 to pass, presumably because it contains a string
of seven or eight digits...

Is there any way to specifiy a fixed length to validate?

Any assistance gratefully received.

Hello Mark,
I've tried this:


but that allows 123456789 to pass, presumably because it contains a string
of seven or eight digits...

Right. To do what you want you'll have to use a delimiter surrounding the
expression. ^ (start of line) and $ (end of line) could do, like this:


Of course, if you have strings that contain nothing but that number you're
looking at, it may be considerably more performant to look at the length
of the string combined with a simpler check that the characters are all
digits (leaving out regular expressions entirely).

Another delimiter that could be useful to you would be \b, which denotes a
"word boundary". For the exact definition you'd best look at the regular
expression docs on MSDN.

Yet another idea could be to delimit by characters that are not digits -
this makes sense and can be very helpful in more complex situations. Like


Oliver Sturm

This time, I'm looking for a regular expression which says "the
string must contain exactly seven or exactly eight digits" e.g.

123456 fails
1234567 passes
12345678 passes
123456789 fails

I've tried this:


but that allows 123456789 to pass, presumably because it contains a
string of seven or eight digits...

Is there any way to specifiy a fixed length to validate?

Any assistance gratefully received.


Regex r;
r = new Regex("^\\d{7,8}$");
Right. To do what you want you'll have to use a delimiter surrounding the
expression. ^ (start of line) and $ (end of line) could do, like this:


Of course, if you have strings that contain nothing but that number you're
looking at, it may be considerably more performant to look at the length
of the string combined with a simpler check that the characters are all
digits (leaving out regular expressions entirely).

Of course you're right about that. I'm finally (and I mean after nearly 20
years of programming!) trying to actually learn regular expressions

I'm using this: which seems about the
best I've seen so far...
Another delimiter that could be useful to you would be \b, which denotes a
"word boundary". For the exact definition you'd best look at the regular
expression docs on MSDN.

Cool - thanks.
Yet another idea could be to delimit by characters that are not digits -
this makes sense and can be very helpful in more complex situations. Like


Excellent - thanks again.
Hello Mark,
Of course you're right about that. I'm finally (and I mean after nearly 20
years of programming!) trying to actually learn regular expressions

A very good idea, if you ask me :-) Of course, learning the right
situations where to use them is just as important :-) I think the context
of your use case is probably very important to make that decision.
I'm using this: which seems about
the best I've seen so far...

There's also Regulator ( which
is very good (better than Expresso IMO), but I've had pretty bad problems
in the past with the editor component used in that program and the author
Roy Osherove hasn't been responsive at all when I sent him bug reports.

Oliver Sturm

Oliver said:
Hello Mark,

A very good idea, if you ask me :-) Of course, learning the right
situations where to use them is just as important :-) I think the
context of your use case is probably very important to make that decision.

There's also Regulator (
which is very good (better than Expresso IMO), but I've had pretty bad
problems in the past with the editor component used in that program and
the author Roy Osherove hasn't been responsive at all when I sent him
bug reports.

Oliver Sturm

I like Regulator too. Didn't have issues so far (but I don't use it very

Hello Laurent,
I like Regulator too. Didn't have issues so far (but I don't use it very

The issues I mean are related to two things: (a) Changing regex options
while there's already an expression in the editor. This often makes sudden
changes to the expression for no apparent reason. (b) Cutting and pasting
text from/to the editor window. This makes changes to the text in places
that shouldn't be affected by the operation.

Not sure if there were more... I haven't used it recently and it's been a
while since I tried reporting the problems I saw. If somebody's
interested, I can dig up my original email(s?) and see what other
information I might have.

Oliver Sturm

Try this:
public static Regex regex = new Regex(
| RegexOptions.CultureInvariant
| RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace
| RegexOptions.Compiled

Do not let the \b expressions throw you. Additionally, you may want to
download Expresso from It is the best regex
tutorial/utility I have found over the years.
From: "Brad Prendergast" <format('',['@'])>
Subject: Re: More regular expression woes
References: <[email protected]>
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Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 09:11:35 -0800
Lines: 1
Path: TK2MSFTNGHUB02.phx.gbl!TK2MSFTNGP01.phx.gbl!TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl
Xref: TK2MSFTNGHUB02.phx.gbl microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.csharp:11378
X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.csharp


This time, I'm looking for a regular expression which says "the
string must contain exactly seven or exactly eight digits" e.g.

123456 fails
1234567 passes
12345678 passes
123456789 fails

I've tried this:


but that allows 123456789 to pass, presumably because it contains a
string of seven or eight digits...

Is there any way to specifiy a fixed length to validate?

Any assistance gratefully received.


Regex r;
r = new Regex("^\\d{7,8}$");

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Hello John,

An interesting additional idea, although obviously not really flexible - I
would opt for the flexibility of \d{7,8} as long as I can make it work.
Furthermore, your example could be less confusing, IMO, as


Or of course, as


which brings us back to what has already been mentioned. Maybe I'm missing
the point of your post?

Oliver Sturm

\b\d{7,8}\b works for me.


From: "Oliver Sturm" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: More regular expression woes
References: <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 19:39:36 +0000
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Xref: TK2MSFTNGHUB02.phx.gbl microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.csharp:11780
X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.csharp

Hello John,

An interesting additional idea, although obviously not really flexible - I
would opt for the flexibility of \d{7,8} as long as I can make it work.
Furthermore, your example could be less confusing, IMO, as


Or of course, as


which brings us back to what has already been mentioned. Maybe I'm missing
the point of your post?

Oliver Sturm

MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Cheers,\par
johnKn [MS-SDK]\par
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