More re: Windows Picture Viewer Problems



I use my viewer almost every day and it has stopped functioning after SP2.
I have read all the recent postings re: the picture and fax viewer not
functioning to no avail. I have searched and can only find

???? Is it not possible to simply install a new viewer?

Here are the details.....
When I try to open a JPG I get the following error:

"Windows cannot find c:\.....\file.jpg. Make sure you typed the name
correctly then try again. To search for a file....etc."

I can open the file in a photo editing program so I know it is not the file.


Cynth , and Ramesh : I've exactly the same problem : no more pict &fax
viewer !
The pictures open in Quick Time , Apple : extremely inconvenient , as
you've got no slide show or zoom , you must click on each and every picture ;
talking about "quick" !!!
Also , lots of pictures seem to have been converted into bitmap .
WHY for pete's sake ??? An what to do now ?
Help from Microsoft could do no harm !

Take care ! h

Yves Alarie

You can change from quick time to the viewer you want.
Right click on a photo file.
Click on Open with on the opening menu
A list will open. Click on Choose program at the bottom of this list.
A window will open, select Windows Picture and Fax viewer and then check the
box "Always....


IT WORKS !!! thanks a lot Yves !

(even if I'm not sure if youv've got to repeat that operation for all files
individually - is it not possible to do it in one go for all of "My Pictures"
? )

Hope that Cynth and others read Yve's reply as well .


It works !!! Thanks a lot , Yves !

(even if I'm not sure if you have to repeat that operation for all the files
individually - is it not possible to do it in one go , and get Windows Pict
&Fax Viewer for all of "My Pictures" ? ) - hope that Cynth and

Yves Alarie

No, you do not have to repeat the operation for all the files. Once you
check the box "Always open this type of file" and you selected Windows
Picture and Fax viewer all the same type of files will open with it. So this
will work for all the files in My Pictures.
The way it works is this, when you right click on a photo file, the file has
the extension .jpg (commonly called a JPEG file and the most commonly used
type of picture file, for example from a digital camera) and then you Open
with and select Choose program and then Picture and Fax viewer and
"Always..." The Always means everytime you double click on a JPEG file, it
will open with Picture and Fax viewer.
Now, you may have other type of image files such as .gif, .bmp, .tif. You
will have to follow the same procedure for each type of file. You just right
click on one of them and follow the same procedure. You can change the
viewer to anything you have on the list anytime you want.


Solves those probl indeed , many thanks , Yves !
( but your first "no" actually reads " no and yes " - because of the diff.
file-types )
I still wonder why SP wiped out Pict&Fax viewer , and also why on earth
people want to get rid of P&F viewer - but anyway : thanks again , newbies
like me keep on learning , albeit swearing a lot sometimes ;-)
Keep up the good work ! h


I have exactly the same problem, but when i got to "open with.." and scroll
down, the Windows Picture & Fax Viewer isnt on the list of programs, it seems
to be uninstalled. Please Help!!!!

John Inzer

Try the following:

Right click an image file and from the
menu...choose...Properties / General tab /
Change button...

Is "Windows Picture and Fax Viewer" in the list?

If it it and click...OK / Apply / OK.

If not...try the following...maybe it will
restore the option:

go to...Start / Run and type:

(without the quotes)(Yes, there's
a space between 2 and S)


A dialog box should report the following:

"DllRegisterServer in SHIMGVW.DLL succeeded"


Post your results.


" shim " etc works fine , I used it several times after having installed
IRFANVIEW , I keep wondering why people seem to dislike MS pict & fax viewer
- so thanks to you too , John !
Jul 3, 2005
Reaction score
Windows P&C Viewer

Thanks to John for the tip about WP&CV.
I had all but given up in despair but,
having followed your advice, everything is back to normal.
Sorry if this post is rather boring, but I wanted you to
know that your advice is appreciated.

John Inzer said:
Try the following:
...maybe it will
restore the option:

go to...Start / Run and type:

(without the quotes)(Yes, there's
a space between 2 and S)


A dialog box should report the following:

"DllRegisterServer in SHIMGVW.DLL succeeded"


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