more MS06-015 problems



We are a small business and have XP pro. We were unable to save Excel and
Word and unable to go to a new address from the address bar. We didn't want
to try to correct these problems on our own, so we had our computer
technician work on the computer.

We are still unable to go to a site from a link in an email. Sometimes the
email link works and sometimes not. The technician was not able to fix this
problem. Is MS aware of this problem and will it be addressed in the 4/25

Alan Edwards

I don't really follow why you ask if MS is aware of the problem when
you know there will be a fix in 25/4 (or 4/25)
What did your technician do?
(Hope he didn't take more than a minute or two)

Try this standard response for more information:

Problems in Windows Explorer or the Windows shell after you install
security update MS06-015 (15 Apr-06)

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-015
Vulnerability in Windows Explorer Could Allow Remote Code Execution
(908531) has
been revised to v1.2 to reflect the issues in KB918165.
From the FAQ section:
"On Tuesday, April 25, Microsoft will issue a targeted re-release of
the MS06-015 update."

Now may not be the time to learn Regedit.
I suggest you use a .reg file already done for the purpose.

Unzip it, extract the .reg file to a folder, right-click it and select
Merge and confirm when asked.



I meant does MS know about the problem of not being able to link from an
email. It's not listed among the various symptoms in and I haven't seen other posts about
this link problem. I don't know what the technician did as I was not there.



Denise - unable to activate a link from within an E-mail is a common problem
as posted in the Outlook newsgroups. Lots of info on Microsoft Support -
search for "E-mail hyperlink". Most common culprit is loss, or change,of
file association - two actions designated- opening program should be IE and
default action "open".


We never had a problem opening from email links until this MS06-015
situation. Now, the same link in the same email sometimes opens the site and
sometimes does not.

What do you mean, default action should be "open"? Where does that get set?



Control panel>Folder options>File types>Select "HTML" under file types -
under details should read "opens with IE" - click advanced button - "Opens"
should be selected as default action (will be in bold typeface).


Denise - This may be a repeat post.
Control panel>Folder options>File types>Select "HTML" under file types - it
should state under details "opens with IE" - click advanced button - Open
should be selected as default action e.g. bold typeface.

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