More memory for my Windows XP?



Please advise if installing more memory (from 768MB to 1024MB) for my Laptop
PC with the following spec is worth it or not.

OS:Windows XP Home Edition
CPU: Intel Celeron 2.0GHz
Memory: 768MB (considering an installation up to 1024MB)

Your comments are very welcome!!

Patrick Keenan

shun0123 said:
Please advise if installing more memory (from 768MB to 1024MB) for my
PC with the following spec is worth it or not.

OS:Windows XP Home Edition
CPU: Intel Celeron 2.0GHz
Memory: 768MB (considering an installation up to 1024MB)

Your comments are very welcome!!

Why are you considering this? In "normal" use, you will probably see no
difference. Do you run particularly memory-intensive apps?


Ron Badour

Adding more ram will only make the PC faster if it precludes the swap file
from being used.


=?Utf-8?B?c2h1bjAxMjM=?= said:
Please advise if installing more memory (from 768MB to 1024MB) for my Laptop
PC with the following spec is worth it or not.

Yes, it is worth it.


That would depend on your usage. Just Office, surfing and minor stuff not
really. "Bigger" applications and it would help - but how much it would

Ken Blake, MVP

Please advise if installing more memory (from 768MB to 1024MB) for my Laptop
PC with the following spec is worth it or not.

Nobody can answer this question, other than saying that for *most*
people 768MB is more than enough.

This is *not* a one-size-fits-all situation. You get good performance
if the amount of RAM you have keeps you from using the page file, and
that depends on what apps you run. Most people running a typical range
of business applications find that somewhere around 256-384MB works
well, others need 512MB. Almost anyone will see poor performance with
less than 256MB. Some people, particularly those doing things like
editing large photographic images, can see a performance boost by
adding even more than 512MB--sometimes much more.

If you are currently using the page file significantly, more memory
will decrease or eliminate that usage, and improve your performance.
If you are not using the page file significantly, more memory will do
nothing for you. Go to and download and monitor your pagefile usage. That should
give you a good idea of whether more memory can help, and if so, how
much more.

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