Monitor distortion



Terry said:
Paul, Mike: Thanks both. Looking for documentation right now. But I
may well reconcile myself to living with it until my well-overdue PC
upgrade, when I may treat myself to a 22" or 24" wide screen LCD/TFT.

There is a menu entry called Linearity. But it appears to be affect
'squashing' at top and bottom, not left and right.

Any idea about this one called 'Recall'? It offers just Yes and No.

Mike: As mentioned, image only distorts when it's close to right edge,
whether top, middle or bottom. I used a resized image so that circle
occupies whole window, and I could then drag it around the screen.

Ah - found a Visa entry dated 15th April 2005, so looks like I'm
within the 3 years. Hopefully there's a receipt here somewhere. Visa
shows supplier as 'MCS', and I paid £117.45. (BTW, I'm sure I saw much
higher than prices when I googled yesterday?)
MCS usually sell B grade or 'returns' and I was not aware that this
still carried 3 yr warranty. Worth checking


Gazwad said:
Terry Pinnell <[email protected]>, the debilitated-destitute and
unabashed chocolate starfish poker who likes rough bowel loosening with
camels, and whose partner is a comfort woman with a diseased gooey man

Why should anyone help you Pinhead?
You refuse to thank a single person for any of the help you have received,
You're just a thankless **** who deserves all that ****s-up in your life.
Don't bother denying anything there's plenty of evidence available.
Interesting. On this thread YOU are the only pinhead spouting such
unnecessary and unprovoked abuse.
How very helpful - IDIOT

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