monitor color



I have a problem with my monitor color it appears that the red is all gone,I have ran a sytem restore twice and it still does not come back to the original colors i have checked my adapter drivers and it is ok but on my tab it is showing analog and i have a digital flat screen but i cannot get the box to check?


Boot into safe mode. If you still have the absence of the color you are
probably looking at buying a new monitor to fix the problem. Jym

anawac said:
I have a problem with my monitor color it appears that the red is all
gone,I have ran a sytem restore twice and it still does not come back to the
original colors i have checked my adapter drivers and it is ok but on my tab
it is showing analog and i have a digital flat screen but i cannot get the
box to check?


Also check the pins on the monitor cable. I had a customer lose one color
because he bent and smashed one of the pins so that it no longer made
I was able to straighten the pin and make it work again, but he is buying a
new cable since the damaged pin may not last another disassembly.

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