modus needs replacing


Rob Eventine

hi all,
i think its about time that microsoft woke up to the fact the vista is
really bad, buggy and almost useless ( over 85600 postings to this group
must prove that!) But spare a thought for the other minions, not millions,
that are waiting for modus to get off their collective backsides and
actually start posting the free (+p and p) disks out. if i ran a company as
badly as they have, i would have been out of business months ago. instead
they just give everyone the run around and i am sure they are giving
microsoft false figures of items shipped, cause i dont know anyone who has
received their disk.

WAKE UP microsoft and see that they are about as good as your operating
system. Remember 85600 postings that say i have a fault cant be wrong..

maybe the chineese have a point.. why buy something as bad as this when
you can hack it for free....


the same thing happened in the IE newsgroup about IE7
yet you still had the MS naysayers saying that IE7 is a very good browser!

give me a break!

Larry Maturo

Remember this group started during beta testing. You can only count posts
the official release of Jan 30th. Anything before that was for the beta.

-- Larry Maturo


I never saw a vista that is not beta... they just changed the number and
called it RTM


Puppy Breath

I don't think there will ever be a "finished" software product from anyone
anymore. Because everyone knows they can fix and change things after release
through automatic updates.

Microsoft definitely could have waited a little longer before releasing
Vista to the public. I though they were crazy to release the public beta
when they did. I think they just gave into all the pressure from the
investors, vendors, and everyone else who has some stake in getting it

Personally, I don't think I'll have a Vista-only machine for a while. I use
Vista most of the time because once you've worked out the kinks and mastered
its way of doing things, it is a lot better than its predecessors. I still
haven't built a Vista machine. But even after I do, Vista won't be the only
OS on it. I'm not willing to commit to that yet.

Since day 1 back in 2005 I've thought of Vista as a "2007 - 2010 product".
As in "will release in 2007, won't be mainstream until 2010".

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