modal forms and postback


Brian Henry

Hi, is there a way to get a form to post back to a modal dialog box when it
was posted from a modal dialog to start with? here is the problem... I have
a form with combo boxes and when you select one then click on an add button
it adds the item to a list box, but when you click on add (this is in a
modal dialog box) it opens the postback in a new window outside of the modal
dialog box, how do you force it to postback to the modal dialog? thanks

Natty Gur


Yes. it well Known behaviour of model windows. in order to work around
put IFrame in your model window and place all previous model HTML inside
IFrame. now, on postback no new window will be open.


Natty Gur[MVP]

blog :
Mobile: +972-(0)52-8888377

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Eliyahu Goldin

I am using the following trick in modal windows with postback:

<!-- Set window name for the form to be loaded in the same window after
round trip -->
<script language="javascript">"modal";</script>
<form id="myForm" method="post" runat="server" target="modal">


Teemu Keiski


simply in the modal window put this to the <HEAD>

<BASE target="_self">

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