MM2 stops capturing




I have a JVC DV-500 - and this is the first time I have had a problem capturing a video. I have successfully captured and burned to DVD from several tapes...

There are a couple things that happen when I am capturing now - and I have not tested other tapes to see if it is just the tape or if it is MM or the cam..

1. In the middle of a capture, the capture stops - MM doesnt crash - it just stops capturing - no notification or anything...

2. If I manually import and stop the capture seems if the file is too big - or maybe too much time has elapsed from the moment I started the capture - it will start creating the file - but then stops right in the middle..

I am at a loss

It does use a memory card to keep information about what is being captured to tape - and I did delete some nav points in there...but I would be suprised if that would cause the tape to not allow itself to be captured

I was able to successfully capture the tape using Pixela's Imagemixer - I just like how MM breaks up each individual scene..


PS: The capture also seems incredibly dark - much more than what is being shown on the display panel - this tape in particular is the first one I have had darkness isues as well...might have to tape off to VHS <gasp!>


I just successfully made a MM file out of a different tape - so maybe just that tape is bad or I messed up the recording somehow - it was my first time using the cam -

Either way, if anyone has experienced this - would welcome comments/suggestions..


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