MM" Crashes when initially going in to program


R.E. Jeffery

I used to use the oiginal mark 1 version of mm then I installed MM2 and when
I enter the program I get the box saying that I have encountered a problem
and the program must close. Since then I have installed SP2 and this has
made no difference. I also have another program, Power Director Pro and
this does the same thing so I am unable to do any Movie work.

I have read many articles, thougt at one stage Codecs may be the problem,
turned off automatic load but tis has made no difference.

Any one any ideas as to what might be wrong. The computer functions well in
all other areas.


Dean Rowe [MS]

It could be a number of things. You could try reinstalling SP2 first,
sometimes that can do the trick. Check for viruses or spyware as sometimes
they can interfere with applications. If none of these help then I can try
to track down your crash from here. Following the below steps to get a
"bucket number" which is how we can identify your particular crash.

To get the crash bucket number:
1. Use Movie Maker to generate the crash. When you are prompted, click
the button to send the data to Microsoft.
2. Immediately after sending the data, go to "Control Panel" |
"Administrative tools" | "Event viewer".

3. In Event viewer, choose the "Application" node of the tree on the
4. Sort the data by "Date", and scroll to the most recent
5. Look for entries where the "Type" is "error" and have red "X"
Double click on them to "open" them.
6. One of the last (most recent) red entries should be for MovieMaker
and have a
"bucket number" in the description field.

Once you have that number send it to me and I'll try to track down where
MovieMaker is creshing from this end.


Dean Rowe
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


R.E. Jeffery said:
I used to use the oiginal mark 1 version of mm then I installed MM2 and when
I enter the program I get the box saying that I have encountered a problem
and the program must close. Since then I have installed SP2 and this has
made no difference. I also have another program, Power Director Pro and
this does the same thing so I am unable to do any Movie work.

I have read many articles, thougt at one stage Codecs may be the problem,
turned off automatic load but tis has made no difference.

Any one any ideas as to what might be wrong. The computer functions well in
all other areas.



I also am getting the crash when trying to run MM. i have re-installed SP2,
tried to delete and reinstall MM, did an update to MM, still no luck...

If anyone has any ideas, would appreciate some help...


Dean Rowe [MS]

When MovieMaker crashes, click the button to send the report to Microsoft.
Then find the "bucket number" of that crash and send it to me. (See my other
reply in this thread to see how to get the bucket number"). Then I'll see if
I can track down what's going on.
Dean Rowe
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

R.E. Jeffery

Thank you for prompt reply,

herwith info

Faulting applicationmoviemaker.exe 2.0.3312.0 Faulting module qedit.dll
version 6.5.2600.2180 fault address oxoo1b2af

As a matter of interest there was a separate report which just gave a bucket
address as 131379108

Please advise if you need any further info, will be interested to see if our
other friend who has a similar problem has similar info.

Thanks again,



Fault bucket 127394354.

Dean Rowe said:
When MovieMaker crashes, click the button to send the report to Microsoft.
Then find the "bucket number" of that crash and send it to me. (See my other
reply in this thread to see how to get the bucket number"). Then I'll see if
I can track down what's going on.
Dean Rowe

Fault bucket 127394354.

Dean Rowe [MS]

There's a component in Direct Show which caches the information about the
effects and transitions that are registered upon your system. Unfortunately
there's a bug in that component which causes it to crash if you have a lot
of transitions and effects installed. MovieMaker calls this routine on
startup which is why you're seeing MovieMaker crash.

Fortunately there is a workaround by doing something like the following.

1. Find an application which has registered a bunch of effect filters.
2. Rename the directory that the application is installed into to
something else - which will temporarily cause those effect filters to fail
to load.
3. Start MovieMaker. As less effects are successfully created,
MovieMaker should hopefully launch.
4. Rename the directory in step 2 back to it's original name so the
original application still works.
5. Start MovieMaker again. As everything was successfully cached in step
3 it shouldn't try to recache things so it should continue to work..

As an example of an application for step 1, I've seen people run into this
problem with applications installed from InterVideo. (This isn't a bug in
InterVideo's application - it's a Microsoft bug it's just that InterVideo
applications can install a bunch of DirectShow filters). In this case you
would go to your "C:\Program Files\InterVideo" directory and rename
"InterVideo" to something like "TempInterVideo". Then start MovieMaker. Once
it has launched, close it down and rename "TempInterVideo" back to

Hope this makes sense, and let me know if you have any other questions.
Dean Rowe
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Dean Rowe [MS]

Looks like you're running into the same problem as the original poster on
this thread. Here is my response to him which should hopefully do the trick
for you too.

There's a component in Direct Show which caches the information about the
effects and transitions that are registered upon your system. Unfortunately
there's a bug in that component which causes it to crash if you have a lot
of transitions and effects installed. MovieMaker calls this routine on
startup which is why you're seeing MovieMaker crash.

Fortunately there is a workaround by doing something like the following.

1. Find an application which has registered a bunch of effect filters.
2. Rename the directory that the application is installed into to
something else - which will temporarily cause those effect filters to fail
to load.
3. Start MovieMaker. As less effects are successfully created,
MovieMaker should hopefully launch.
4. Rename the directory in step 2 back to it's original name so the
original application still works.
5. Start MovieMaker again. As everything was successfully cached in step
3 it shouldn't try to recache things so it should continue to work..

As an example of an application for step 1, I've seen people run into this
problem with applications installed from InterVideo. (This isn't a bug in
InterVideo's application - it's a Microsoft bug it's just that InterVideo
applications can install a bunch of DirectShow filters). In this case you
would go to your "C:\Program Files\InterVideo" directory and rename
"InterVideo" to something like "TempInterVideo". Then start MovieMaker. Once
it has launched, close it down and rename "TempInterVideo" back to

Hope this makes sense, and let me know if you have any other questions.
Dean Rowe
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

R.E. Jeffery


My sincere thanks for your help, did exactly as you said and all seems to be

Will check again tomorrow but see no reason why it should change. I did
have Intervideo installed so that seems to be the one that was interfering.

Thanks again, hope that Nick has similar success,

Bi Ray

All the best for the New Year


Well, i got a different crash this time...

Faulting application moviemk.exe, version 2.1.4026.0, faulting module
qedit.dll, version 6.5.2600.2180, fault address 0x0001a513.

no bucket number. i did rename the InterVideo to InterVideoxxx to get this

any other ideas?

Dean Rowe [MS]

Did you make sure to submit the report to Microsoft. There definitely should
be a bucket number, it may be in a separate entry in the event viewer but it
should be there somewhere.
Dean Rowe
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Dean Rowe [MS]

No problem, I'm glad it worked. Happy New Year to you too.
Dean Rowe
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


guess i forgot to do that step again...

here is the new bucket number: Fault bucket 127394354.

as i said, i renamed the InterVideo to InterVideoxxx prior to getting that



Dean Rowe [MS]

Sorry to hear it still isn't working. It looks like you're still running
into the same problem. It may be that you just have more effect filters
installed on your system. Do you have any other video playback or editing
applications. If so you can try to rename those application directorie as

If you're still having problems you can send me a DirectX Diagnostic Dump
from your system and I can take a look. To do this just click Start Run and
type in dxdiag. When it comes up click the Save All Information button and
it'll prompt you to name a text file. Once done email me the text file at my
email address (e-mail address removed).

Dean Rowe
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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