missing System32.exe



My system32.exe got infected with a virus somehow and Mcafee would not clean
it. I was left with having to delete the file all together. With XP PRO is
there a way to restore the file from my cd and how????
Thanks Matt

David Candy

No because it is the virus and not part of windows. Just say goodbye to it.

A lot of viruses use this file name, a common one is

When posting include the error description and message not what you think the solution is. If you did that I'd be able to tell you how to complete your repair. If it's not kwbot search at the site for system32.exe


Ken Blake

My system32.exe got infected with a virus somehow and Mcafee would
not clean it. I was left with having to delete the file all
together. With XP PRO is there a way to restore the file from my cd
and how????

No, you're mistaken. You didn't have a system32.exe before you
got the virus. Mcafee couldn't clean it because it *was* the
virus; you don't want it back. If you're getting a message that
Windows can't find it, that's just a remnant of the virus that
also needs to be deleted. See www.dougknox.com, Win XP Fixes,
Clean KWBot.Worm Registry entries.

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

Sorry, but I don't see any messages from any "Davids" in this
thread. It shouldn't hurt the OP to get the same answer twice, and
might increase his confidence in the value of the answer.

Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:
Feb 19, 2007
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I installed macafee which I think removed the system32 virus but now when I astatrup mu PC and try to login to any profile i get the message cannot find file stsem32.exe. From earlier posts I gather this may be a remnant of the virus but as I cannot get into my PC beyond the profile logins screen how do i fix this. Can I do it from safe mode and if so how!

Thanks, I had no idea this file was a virus, it has been "bugging" me for a while now...excuse the pun.


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