Missing mscoree.dll - and some!!!



I am experiencing the same problem as others with missing "mscoree.dll" and
Norton. However I also lose my printer and <My Computer> does not respond
properly. It goes to the "Searching Torch" graphics and then takes
forever(at least 10-15mins) to display properly. Any subsequent navigating
to or from < My Computer> takes just as long. Any help in " Non Gheeky"
speak will be gratefully received, as this Dork has re-installed Windows
times to try a fix this.

Grateful in advance


Error: "Missing file: 'C:\ . . . \DotNetInstaller.exe' cannot access a necessary file
.. . ." after running WinDoctor
http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPOR...s 2000/Me/98/XP&src=sg&pcode=nsys&svy=&csm=no

Mscoree.dll is part of the .NET framework for Windows.
Go to Add/Remove and remove the .NET framework there.
To reinstall .NET Framework go to:
www.microsoft.com/net or from the Windows Update Site.
also see
PRB: "Mscoree.dll Could Not Be Found" Error Message When You Try to Run a .NET
Executable File

Unexplained computer behavior may be caused by third-party software

Fight Spyware – articles by Microsoft

Spyware Programs links:-
www.lavasoftusa.com Ad-Aware
www.security.kolla.de Spybot



Thanks to Taurian and S.Sengupta for speedy replies. I think you may have
overlooked a couple of key words/phrases - namely "non Gheeky and Dork".
Although the use of more than 4 letters in "computer speak" loses me I also
have many unresolved battles with logic(or should that just be computers)

I had scanned other queries and saw part of my problem reported(and
presumably fixed) elsewhere, HOWEVER!!!!

1) I can find no reference to a .NET Framework in my Add/Remove.

2) I have totally re-installed Windows 3 times - immediately installing(and
up-dating) Norton Firewall & Systemworks

3) At this moment there is only Windows/Fujitsu AMILO standard software
installed + Norton + Canon Printer + BT Wireless Software and now Ad-Aware.

4) Ad-Aware found nothing.

5) Can think of no Repeated action the caused the <My Computer> and
<Printer> problem.

Many thanks again

Yours aye





Thanks again to Taurarian and S.Sengupta.

I solved the mscoree.dll problem by "ignoring" it on Norton(rightly or
wrongly) and it seems to work.

The computer was clear of viruses and ad-ware.

The extremely slow "My Computer" problem has been solved by disabling the
"Windows Image Aquisition" (WIA) file.

However I have to admit that I do not understanding why I should be
disabling a (Windows) File that has been legitimately installed. I also do
not know what else that file controls and what other problems I may have

Thanks again,

Yours aye



Sorry for the delay in responding - had a bit of a hospital problem. Thanks
to everyone for their help. I seem to have got that particular set of
problems fixed (or disabled!!) and I might even understand a little about it.
Will now try and fix the BIGGIE - where my computer is taking 15 - 20 minutes
to get going, only showing me a progress bar that creeps slowly across the
bottom of my screen. I've paid a lot of money for that simple pleasure!!
Anyway that is for another post. Once again thanks for the great advice and
assistance and it's FREE. (Can you tell I'm a Scotsman?) Bye.....

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