missing methods in a dll reference


Aamir Ghanchi


All the methods from a dll class are not showing up in the object
browser/intelisense when the dll reference is added to a website

The dll is a C# project that has 15 overloads of a method. It compiles
fine. We have a .Net 2.0 VB Website project that was originally a 1.1
project. When a reference to the dll is added to the website, only 9
of the 15 overloads show up in the object browser, plus development
time errors show up for the method calls in the website for which we
know for sure have a method definition in the dll class. We thought it
was an IDE issue and is development time only, but the website won't
run either and will throw exception on the same lines.

One of us created an empty website project and added that dll
reference to it and all the 15 methods were there in the object
browser. once we copied the code files form the original website to
the empty ones, we were back to 9 methods again.

This has been a vexing problem and I would like to know if anyone else
ever ran into same problem. Will appreciate to hear from you.

Thanks in advance.



Problem is solved!
for the benefit of others here is the solution:
We were getting number of warnings that talked about the dll class
file being not CLS compliant. We followed the instruction in this
article to make the dll code CLS compliant :
And Volla! that fixed the problem. From what we understood the
overloaded methods in the C# dll project caused ambiguity for the VB
compiler in the website project because some of them had identicle
signature except for the out parameters.

Long story short, moral of the story is "pay heed to the warnings"


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