Missing dll files in Windows XP SP 2 for Networking ( lmmib2.dll)



I have just reinstalled to a wiped clean drive my XP Pro and SP2 I have
recently installed a wireless network and wanted to install the rest of the
diagnostic netowrking tools that by default are not installed. As I attempted
this I was insatructed to insert my SP 2 disk, which I have as I ordered it
from MS a couple weeks ago. Upon installing it the install failed and said
missing lmmib2.dll not found, isnstall aborted. I then ran the service pack
ckeck utiltiy and found that 8 dll/exe files are missing from the install out
of the XP SNMP Summary: they are lmmib2.dll, hostmib.dll,

Anyone have any idea how to rectify the situation?

Thanks, Mike

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