Mirror Image


Ann Shaw

Is it possible to mirror my text in PowerPoint 2000 I have
tried rotate but that is not what I want. I need to show
text as is it reversed like looking at it in a mirror??

Thanks in advance


Ute Simon

Hi Ann,

"Ann Shaw"
Is it possible to mirror my text in PowerPoint 2000 I have
tried rotate but that is not what I want. I need to show
text as is it reversed like looking at it in a mirror??

Thanks in advance


no, you can't mirror "normal" text. The form of the letters you see on the
screen ist fixed in the font.

Two possibilities:

- For short texts use WordArt, because its graphic, you can mirror it.

- You can download a mirrored font. Try for example
That's a German website for left handed people. Search for "TrueType
Schriften: Spiegelschriften zum Download" and you'll find three mirrored
fonts: Dabbington, PRMirror and Strait Kcap. They should also work on a
non-German computer. (But make sure to embed the font, if you move your
presentation to another computer.)

Kind regards,

Chris Windsor

You could copy the block of text, then "paste special" back as a picture,
then flip the picture horizontally (flip feature is one of the draw


Hi Ann,

Herewith is the "cheater's method" for mirrored text if you are using

1. Insert | Picture | WordArt
2. Select the first (top left) style
3. Type your text, click OK, exit WordArt
4. Back in PPT, cut your WordArt object
5. Edit | Paste Special | Picture (enhanced metafile)
6. Draw | Ungroup | Yes
7. Draw | Rotate or Flip | Flip Horizontal

Also works in PPT 2000, but you'll need to ungroup and regroup again
after step number 6.

Have fun!

Tony Ramos
Specialist in PowerPoint Presentation Design

Ute Simon

Hi Tony,

TonyRamos said:
Hi Ann,

Herewith is the "cheater's method" for mirrored text if you are using

1. Insert | Picture | WordArt
2. Select the first (top left) style
3. Type your text, click OK, exit WordArt
4. Back in PPT, cut your WordArt object
5. Edit | Paste Special | Picture (enhanced metafile)
6. Draw | Ungroup | Yes
7. Draw | Rotate or Flip | Flip Horizontal

Also works in PPT 2000, but you'll need to ungroup and regroup again
after step number 6.

Have fun!

Tony Ramos
Specialist in PowerPoint Presentation Design

thanks for giving more details regarding my tip to use WordArt to solve the
problem. But I don't understand your steps 4 to 6. I can insert a WordArt
object and just click on "Flip horizontal" without cutting/pasting special
and ungrouping/grouping - what's the advantage of these steps? (I'm using
PPT 2002 and 2003, maybe it's necessary for 2000?)

Kind regards,

John Langhans [MSFT]

[CRITICAL UPDATE - If you are using Office 2003, you should install this
update as soon as possible. From PowerPoint, choose "Help -> Check for


PowerPoint doesn't provide the functionality that you are looking for (but
there are workarounds, which others have already communicated to you).

If you (or anyone else reading this message) think that it's important that
PowerPoint provide this kind of functionality, don't forget to send your
feedback (in YOUR OWN WORDS, please) to Microsoft at:


As with all product suggestions, it's important that you not just state
your wish but also WHY it is important to you that your product suggestion
be implemented by Microsoft. Microsoft receives thousands of product
suggestions every day and we read each one but, in any given product
development cycle, there are only sufficient resources to address the ones
that are most important to our customers so take the extra time to state
your case as clearly and completely as possible.

IMPORTANT: Each submission should be a single suggestion (not a list of

John Langhans
Microsoft Corporation
Supportability Program Manager
Microsoft Office PowerPoint for Windows
Microsoft Office Picture Manager for Windows

For FAQ's, highlights and top issues, visit the Microsoft PowerPoint
support center at: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?pr=ppt
Search the Microsoft Knowledge Base at:

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Use of any included script samples are subject to the terms specified at


Hi Ute,

I stand corrected! Steps 4-6 are not necessary in 2002/2003, but they are in 2000.

Thanks for catching that,
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
mirror image your entire desktop

this should be of help to anyone wishing to view there desktop in the mirror image as paschar reads in the true mirror image , thats right backwards , i have a prototype mirrored font software that works great for me however its still in the testing stage, unlike the elgooG mirror site these fonts will print out truly mirrored as it has taken me 19 years of pure bull headedness to find all the solutions to my own visuial impairments known in medical circles as Strephosymbolia , for myself i have no other options but to addapt everything i view on my screen to the inverted 180 degree mirror image with the use of a PCI DVI-D (Digital Graphics card) created by PLANAR Systems part # 944-0679-01 , this card needs no Drivers as it is self supporting & all one needs to do is patch it through your systems current Graphics card via the DVI-D port out to the planar DVI-D in then the planar DVI-D out to your screens DVI-D in port , by useing your first cards VGA out port to the screen VGA in , after useing the clone screen mode in card (A your curent card ) one has the option of switching from ANALOG Standard view to Digital Mirrored view . Note: while in the Digital mirrored view you will have to install a copy of Sakasa mouse cursor Directional control software , as i am new to this site i still need to figure out where to show my pictures of my Reaserch in the field of Dyslexia as my range of vision also involves color blindness, currently the only bug with the Mirror image font software is one must type from the end of the sentance to it begining . to all of you who may be farmilar with dysgraphia, this means fonts that look like one another when mirrored i.e. Lower case qp db bd pq .

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