Minimixe/Hide Access application until startup complete



Is there a way to Minimize or Hide the Access application until my custom
startup code is complete.

When access/my app opens, I still see the default tool bars & menus, even
though I have selected them now to be available on startup. They do disappear
and my custom menu replaces them, but there seem to be a transition time
period. I am sure that machine speed will affect this.

I would like for my application to start in the background maybe, then when
it does appear it is exactly what I want to see.

I have tried various approaches using autoexec to run code etc...I think
this is beyond my knowledge at this point.

One Idea I had was to shrink the Access window on startup, let al
Modal/Popup form appear as a splash screen, thereby having the Access window
itself hidden behind until it is ready to view, which should only be a second
or two.

I wiould Appreciate any and all ideas and Comments.

Thanks Guys!



I just posted after you, somewhat addressing your situation.
In the post you will see all of the code going on in the "splash"
screen form module.
There is a reference to the function apiShowWindow which you can find
details here:

If you get to using a "splash", you may have the same issue that I'm
having, there is a "transistion" time where the Access window does show
up, then everything follows as expected...Access window hides, splash
screen shows, then main form...etc.

Remember: If you have other forms or reports that your main form will
launch, you need to set all of them modal and popup and possibly other
settings as well.

CYA: Please backup your current version before experimenting with this.

Hope this helps.



Both tips great!
I think I may use a combination of the two tips. I have considered creating
a simple VB5 app that actually opens the database application, hidden, until
it is ready to be shown.

As I think about it, the VB5 app could double as my intro/splash screen. I
could also give the users "automatic upgrade", by allowing me to program
what Access application the VB5 app actually opens. I could make changes and
such then change application (mdb) to long as I keep my VB5 app
database on the server.

Does any of this make sense?
Comments, pointers, pitfalls welcome


Alex Dybenko

yes, this is was I though about. You can also let this program run your
startup code, if this is possible outside access
you can also use CreateObject("Access.Application") to start a hidden Access
instance, and when necessary - make it visible

Best regards,
Alex Dybenko (MVP)

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