Migration from ASP3.0 design to ASP.NET (Tips, Pointers, Preference)


Joe Hughes

Hi All

I'm a seasoned ASP programmer and have been writing ASP for years. I've
decided now to stop writing ASP and jump onboard the ASP.NET bandwagon
(albeit a bit late).

I've been programming in C# for a while but have only done some very
basic ASP.NET projects. The main hurdle I'm having trouble with is
finding a good method of laying out pages, I guess templates.

I've tried user controls, base page inheritance, dynamic controls,
dragging user controls on etc. But I still haven't decided on the best
way of doing things.

In traditional ASP I used Server.Execute/Transfer or the <!--Include-->
directive, typically with the commonly used Header/Footer layout.

So - What methods to people typically use to build their ASP.NET site
whilst reducing the page design overhead? I quite like the page
inhertiance method but I'd like to here other peoples' opinions. (I've
read about MasterPages briefly too)...

(Accidently posted this in the general CSharp group previously, sorry!)

Douglas Adams

Hi Joe,

Why don't you start off with ASP.NET 2.0, it will be released relatively
soon and it has some far better features than the current version.

Master pages will solve your problems with page templates. You can simply
design multiple master pages, (ie. templates), and apply them to sections of
your website.

If you do want to use the current ASP.NET then I would use custom user
controls and simply include them in your page.

Hope this helps.

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