Microsoft root\systme32\ntoskrnl.exe



My computer crashed and I called Microsoft. They told me
to buy a seven disc System Recovery package, which I did
and loaded into my computer. It did not work. I called
them again this time they told me to buy a one disc
Recovery console disc, which I also installed in my
computer. It did not work.

Windows could not start because the following file is
missing or corrupt
<windows root>\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
Please re-install a copy of the above file.

I do not know where to get a copy of the windows root file
my computer is asking me for. Neither of the restore disc
sets I loaded could do it.
Can any one help me?
Thank you

Vagabond Software

Are you sure the disk on which your OS is installed is actually working?
You are experiencing the exact problem that will be reported if there were
disk access issues... I don't mean bad sectors, I mean no access to the disk
at all.

For example, I have removeable drive bays. Well, if I forget and leave the
key in the bay or the shuttle doesn't seat right in the bay, I'll get that
very same error.

I'm surprised the restore tools were unable to do anything, which leads me
to believe you may be having hardware issues.

- carl

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