microsoft repair kit for predicted internet attack

  • Thread starter Gary and Sue Kurkul
  • Start date

Gary and Sue Kurkul

On August 1st,our newspaper published a report from
Washington that a major attack on the internet was coming
soon. They gave a website to get a repair kit, but it
doesn't work. Does anyone know anything about this?
Here is the website that is not working for us:

Thanks for your help.

Gary and Sue

John Liebson

On August 1st,our newspaper published a report from
Washington that a major attack on the internet was coming
soon. They gave a website to get a repair kit, but it
doesn't work. Does anyone know anything about this?
Here is the website that is not working for us:

Thanks for your help.

Gary and Sue
Typical Inside-the-Beltway reporting, for that site does not exist,
alas. But then, as the world outside the Beltway does not exist for
those inside, either....

However, if you'll simply start Internet Explorer and go to
Tools/Windows Update and let your computer find the relevant Critical
Update, that will help.

Caveat (no, no, NOT "caviar," "caveat"): Judging by the number of
messages here and elsewhere, you may encounter difficulty in downloading
and installing this latest critical update. If so, come back and ask
what to do about it; I don't know, I did not have a problem.

Meanwhile, if you do not have an anti-virus program and a firewall
installed and running, I'd advise great caution about using your
computer on-line. Again, judging from the amount of traffic, the "major
attack on the internet" has long since begun, with quite a few
computers, world-wide, having been attacked in one manner or another.

Joe Weil

Does the term "hoax" ring a bell? MS is having enough
trouble keeping up with known security issues, I doubt
that a perpetrator of a virus is going to give MS a
preview of an attack so that MS can take pre-emptive

Wow, how nice it would be. Imagine... Dear Microsoft,
Here is the copy of the destructive code that I am going
to release on such a such a date... Please do your best
to nullify my diligent work.

Give me a break.


Submission of a vulnerability discovery is often accompanied by a program or
script that will exploit the vulnerability. It's called proof of concept.

Depending on who made the discovery, the software manufacturer is often
offered the opportunity to fix the problem before the exploit is made

The discoverer of this particular vulnerability (LSD) notified MS and
several reputable security organisations of its existence well before the
proof of concept was made public.

Now that the exploit has been published, the script kiddies are using it to
attack computer owners who think it is a hoax and don't patch their

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