Microsoft RDP Client - change default bitmap cache directory


Chris Wilson


I have a number of Compaq T20 64/96 NT Embedded Windows Thin Clients.

With some screwing around I have managed to install the latest RDP
client from Microsoft (5.2.3790). Works really well !

My Challenge:
I have a problem in that the bitmap cache file is writing to the
flashrom. I would like to change the configuration to write the cache
file to the Ram drive.

Further Information:
I have searched everywhere but I have only found the following:

* There is a setting in the old Windows CE registry
"BitmapPersistCacheLocation", You could specify the directory here,
but it doesn't seem to work with this client / OS

* You can also add this to the .RDP client file but I am unsure how to
specify a : character in the path as it is used as a delimiter in the
ie. "bitmappersistcachelocation:s:Z:\"

I have also tried using an environment variable in the .RDP file
"bitmappersistcachelocation:s:%TEMP%" where %TEMP% = Z:\ (ram drive)
but again this doesn't seem to work.

My Questions to you...
* Can someone tell me exactly how to do this (presuming it can be
* Can someone please point me to some documetation that explains the
..RDP file format and how I can set this parameter.
* Can someone from MS tell me that it can't be done

BTW If it can't be done, it would be a nice addition to the app.

Chris Wilson
21c Technology Consulting
Sydney NSW Australia

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