microsoft money 2005-need help



Recently I bought a laptop and was trying to get my desktop and laptop
to work togeather in updating my money accounts. I thought I could get
them both to post entries to a central file. Thus far I have failed to
accomplish this. My desktop use to download my bank and credit card
info automatically. Now it will not download my credit card purchases
but does donwload my bank info. I am not sure what I have done or what
I can do to fix my problem. Any suggestions?


it;s been my experience that each money must work independently and you can
not share any files between them. This means that one day when you are using
the pc, you can update your money on it. Then on another day when you are
on the laptop, your money on it can be updated and brought current. The bank
and the money program has very high security, and it doesn't matter to the
bank how many pc's you wan't to use money on as long as they have the correct
bank account number, user name and password.

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