Microsoft Encounted a Problem...



I'm having a really hard time,I'm working in Access 07 and everytime I open
my forms and open in design view and modify then try to close and am asked if
I like to save and I select yes, a Error box comes up telling me that
Microsoft Office has encounted a problem and needs to close. This is getting
so frustrating....Then it'll open up my database and ask me to save it as a
backup. Why is this happening?
Please Help!

Thanks in advance


I'm having a really hard time,I'm working in Access 07 and everytime I open
my forms and open in design view and modify then try to close and am asked if
I like to save and I select yes, a Error box comes up telling me that
Microsoft Office has encounted a problem and needs to close. This is getting
so frustrating....Then it'll open up my database and ask me to save it as a
backup. Why is this happening?
Please Help!

Thanks in advance

Something is likely corrupted. I would try compact/repair and then
reopen; if that doesn't fix it, you might try creating a blank db and
attempting to import all of your objects from the other/corrupted
database into it. If you find that some objects are not imported
successfully, then it's a good bet that those were the ones that were
corrupted. There are several good documents on the web dealing with
Access db corruption; a few are:


teelee said:
I'm having a really hard time,I'm working in Access 07 and everytime I open
my forms and open in design view and modify then try to close and am asked if
I like to save and I select yes, a Error box comes up telling me that
Microsoft Office has encounted a problem and needs to close. This is getting
so frustrating....Then it'll open up my database and ask me to save it as a
backup. Why is this happening?
Please Help!

Thanks in advance

I've experienced the exact same when working with reports. In my case,
if I tried to change a text control to a label, then save then MS said
they were sorry for the inconvenience. Copy/pasting another label, or
using the Add Label button, was OK.

I tried /decompile (see
for step by step instructions - and - between step 2 and 3, again
close all isntances of Access, and compact the db in another instance
of Access than the one you /decompiled with)

I also tried the (hidden) methods SaveAsText/LoadFromText of the
application object.

Nothing helped, but the afore mentioned workarounds.

I suggest hitting Ctrl+S (save) after each change you do to identify
which alteration makes it barf, then find an alternative method of
doing that operation.

That is, of course, unless someone can offer a better solution,
or MS provides a less buggy version.

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