microsoft better sarten up


Nomen Nescio

I have had Vista for three months. This weekend the girlfriend is away in the USA and I thought I would start to make some serious money on my computer.There are a lot of free Bourses offered in the on-line gaming forums. I cannot not even download the game site's without Vista locking up all the time. Even making this simple post to Usenet and spell checking the post with an online spell checker Vista locks up. I want to make money on this new O/S and it is the shits. It is not me I have been using computers for over seven years. I have put an ad in my local for sale newsgroup and I am selling this piece of sunk for $299.99 if I can get it I will take it. I am really pissed of with Microsoft.

Vista comes preloaded with newer computers I would say avoid it all together.After Xmas and I have sold this computer and got some money back I will never buy Microsoft again. Business's will not gravitate to it as there are to many complaints about Vista. If you are going to buy get a Mac or Lunix. I am looking at a Dell with Ubautu for only USA$600 and it will my new home O/S.This weekend is the last time I will give Vista a work out and it had better perform. Complaining in this trolly newsgroup does not help matters but at least it gets it our of my system and many be other readers will get the message to avoid Vista. Sorry Microsoft MVP's but Bill shafted you with this O/S.I use re mailer all the time and re mailer software will not work on Vista it will on XP I have to use a on-line poster. That is how bad this Vista O/S is. End of rant.

Lets try one last time on Vista. I have to delete all the downloaded gaming site. Unplug the mode and get a new IP number and set up a new e-mail account. This is the last time I will try Vista. I will report back after this weekend and tell you if it works.

I cannot even open up Office Writer to check the spelling on the post.Some O/S

Mick Murphy

You don't say what piece of CRAP you installed vista on!

Your problem is of your own making!

thai bear

You don't say what piece of CRAP you installed vista on!

vista is the peice of crap you moron

Charlie Tame

Nomen said:
I have had Vista for three months. This weekend the girlfriend is away in the USA and I thought I would start to make some serious money on my computer.There are a lot of free Bourses offered in the on-line gaming forums. I cannot not even download the game site's without Vista locking up all the time. Even making this simple post to Usenet and spell checking the post with an online spell checker Vista locks up. I want to make money on this new O/S and it is the shits. It is not me I have been using computers for over seven years. I have put an ad in my local for sale newsgroup and I am selling this piece of sunk for $299.99 if I can get it I will take it. I am really pissed of with Microsoft.

Vista comes preloaded with newer computers I would say avoid it all together.After Xmas and I have sold this computer and got some money back I will never buy Microsoft again. Business's will not gravitate to it as there are to many complaints about Vista. If you are going to buy get a Mac or Lunix. I am looking at a Dell with Ubautu for only USA$600 and it will my new home O/S.This weekend is the last time I will give Vista a work out and it had better perform. Complaining in this trolly newsgroup does not help matters but at least it gets it our of my system and many be other readers will get the message to avoid Vista. Sorry Microsoft MVP's but Bill shafted you with this O/S.I use re mailer all the time and re mailer software will not work on Vista it will on XP I have to use a on-line poster. That is how bad this Vista O/S is. End of rant.

Lets try one last time on Vista. I have to delete all the downloaded gaming site. Unplug the mode and get a new IP number and set up a new e-mail account. This is the last time I will try Vista. I will report back after this weekend and tell you if it works.

I cannot even open up Office Writer to check the spelling on the post.Some O/S
Well we can believe the last sentence :)


Go ahead and buy that Dell already preloaded with Ubuntu. Then you will
really be hating life.

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