microsoft anti spyware



doe's or can any one tell me as to why i have to keep repairing this
program for it to boot up with windows, and yet my girlfriends computer
which is on my network starts up every time her comp is rebooted ?

Bill Sanderson

If we are talking about Microsoft Antispyware--the one with the red and
yellow bulls-eye icon--I don't have a good answer, but I do have a

Consider upgrading to beta2, which has been renamed Windows Defender"

Download and run, it'll take care of removing the old version.

HOWEVER--please note these differences--there are a great many, but these
are among those many folks find unexpected:

1) by default there is no icon shown in the notification area unless user
attention is required. This may change in a future update. The app is
still running--there are three major executables, one of which runs as a
system service--but the icon doesn't show.

Additionally, no icon is placed on the desktop. If you want a desktop icon,
copy the one in the start menu.

2) Signature updates are available via two mechanisms--Windows
Update/Microsoft Update or AutoUpdate. So--these need to work for signature
updates to work. Updates done automatically or manually within the program
use autoupdate, or you can go to Windows Update and get them.


thnx for the reply bill but i tried W/D and i dont think it is better than
M/A/S my opinion it lacks things which M /A/S has, i have to say this also .
why bring out W/D beta,When M/A/S is still under beta testing anyways? but
as i said ty for your reply :~)

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