Merging Word Documents w/Same Name



I am wondering if I can use the Merge Feature on several documents that have
hte same name, but different info.

Currently I get reports in 2 formats, HTML and WORD. All have the same file
names, but not the same data on the page. I get 15-18 seperate email
containing 1 page documents in each format. I would like to merge them into
1 document instead of renaming and uploading to Sharepoint.

The report single files are part of a larger file from AP that has several
hundred pages.

Any ideas or help would be much appreciated.

Charles Kenyon

Yes, you can do this.

Normally it is a very bad idea to open Word attachments directly from an
email. Instead save them to hard disk and then open.

In this case, do that (save to disk) with the first report. This is very
important! Otherwise you will lose all your work! Open that report from your
hard disk in Word.

Then, with that open, open each of the attachments in turn. Copy the
information from one of the reports, paste into your open report at the end,
press Ctrl-S to save, and go on to the next attached report. When you
finish, you will have them all in one document.

Unless you have a very structured environment, it is not worth while to try
to automate this any more than I have described (IMO).
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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Thank Charles. This was exactly what i was hoping to "Not" hear. As i will
have to do this on a monthly basis. Its extra wasted time.

I realized Merge was not what I wanted. I needed to copy all the other files
into one and I thought of merging them, but i did an example of one and it
over wrote it. thanks for understanding what i truly meant. I guess i will
have to spend time copying and pasting from one to the other.


Charles Kenyon

You could set up a macro that would copy the contents of the open document
to your monthly report document and close the open document. Name it
MonthlyReport.doc. Then rename it 2006-05 Monthly Report.doc and create a
new one next month with the same name so the macro can find it. Also, look
into the Work menu.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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