Merging data between worksheets using reference index?



I'm not sure whether my query is similar to others, but I hope someone
can point me in the right direction.

I have an excel file with two worksheets. On both are a list of branch
numbers in the first column. I want excel to match the branch number
from the first sheet to the second and import a column of data from
the second (column c).
Not all branch numbers present in the second sheet appear in the

Be grateful if someone could give me some simple direction - tried to
look at some excel websites and totally confused by them!


One way via INDEX/MATCH

In Sheet1,
Branch numbers running in A2 down

Place in B2:
Copy B2 down as far as required. This will return what you seek, ie Sheet2's
col C values for the branch numbers in col A which match with those in
Sheet2's col A. Unmatched branch numbers, if any, will return blanks: "".

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