Menu Maker and Excel 2007


Paul Martin

Hi all

I see that John Walkenbach's Menu Maker doesn't require much
modification to work with the QAT. Is there a similar method for
building a custom Ribbon tab or group?

Thanks in advance

Paul Martin
Melbourne, Australia

Paul Martin

Dave, as far as I can tell, Ron's code is only for the QAT, which I
specifically am NOT interested in. Thanks, Andy, I'll check out
Mike's Custom_UI_Builder.xlsm.


Paul Martin

Thanks, Dave, but I'm looking not just at modifying the Ribbon, but
building some sort of Walkenbach-like Menu Maker. I see that Mike's
Custom_UI_Builder is a little crude, but does the trick. It looks
like a good starting point.


Paul Martin

Thanks Ron. Both your's and Andy's work and resources have been
invaluable for me. I've been using Andy's Add-In, but that's not the
solution I'm seeking.

FWIW, I've been modifying Mike's code to get XML closer to what one
expects, using line breaks and tabs, and replace single quotation
marks with doubles, etc. I don't have much time to explore this
further at present, but I am reasonably happy with this.



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