Menu Macros/Queries??

  • Thread starter Paul Murphy via
  • Start date

Paul Murphy via

Hello there!

I need a little help with Access macros if possible?

Basically, I need a form with a number of drop down menus. The first menu will have static content, however I need the second, third etc to be dynamic, ie based on what the user selects from the one before it.

Is this best done using queries or macros?

Im sure this is quite simple to implement but I am not having much luck with it so far.

Any help would be greatly appreciated....


Steve Schapel


This is a job for a Query, not a Macro. Whan you say "drop down menu",
this is called a combobox. The list of items presented in the combobox
is called its Row Source, and this is determined by the setting of its
Row Source property. For the second combobox, you can use a query that
uses the first combobox as a criteria. So, make a query based on the
data you want to show in the list of items in the second combobox, and
then in the criteria of the relevant field (i.e. the one that refers to
the value of the first ccombobox), put the equivalent of...

Paul Murphy via

Thanks for the reply steve, however for some reason the bottom of the message was chopped off? Could you possibly email it to me as it would be extremely useful ..... pdmurphy99(at)

Thanks again,


Steve Schapel

Sorry, Paul, I'd prefer to keep the correspondence in here. Here's a
repeat of what I wrote before...

This is a job for a Query, not a Macro. Whan you say "drop down menu",
this is called a combobox. The list of items presented in the combobox
is called its Row Source, and this is determined by the setting of its
Row Source property. For the second combobox, you can use a query that
uses the first combobox as a criteria. So, make a query based on the
data you want to show in the list of items in the second combobox, and
then in the criteria of the relevant field (i.e. the one that refers to
the value of the first ccombobox), put the equivalent of...

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