Menu and toolbar at the same time?


Lars Brange

I'm new to the compact framework and have some basic questions about
forms. I use VS2005 and CF 2.0.

1. When I place a MainMenu and a ToolBar on a form they are both
positioned at the bottom, the menu is at the left and the toolbar is at
the right. When I add items to the menu the toolbar gets smaller and
smaller. Can't I position the toolbar above the menu?

2. If I use a Panel as a toolbar substitute, is there any way I can
create a button with an image on it? Button don't have a Paint event.

3. Are there issues with transparency for toolbar buttons in CF 2.0?

4. Is it possible/advisable to get the Window handle to a control in CF
and use SendMessage and other API functions?

5. If I switch to C++, which newsgroup is most appropiate for disscusing
Windows CE programming in C++ (I can't find any)?

Lars Brange

Daniel Moth

1. No. That is the way the platform works. Also note how with WM5 the
toolbar is not part of the recommended UI.

2. The one in the framework doesn't support it so you have to roll your own.
Button with image is available from SDF from OpenNETCF and also on gotdotnet

3. Don't think so. There were with CF v1.0 and if you search the archives of
this group you'll find them:

4. Yes possible. Advisable only if there is no way to do it via managed
code. Start a new discussion thread with why you think you need this if you
want more input.

5. try the pocketpc.developer for both managed and c++. There are also some
at windowsce.embedded.*

Also try to split your questions into multiple posts (post per question) in
the future...


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