memory dumps



I am running Window 2000pro. Everytime I turn on my
machine and I'm about to logon I get a blue screen that
says the fallowing:

"Begging dump of physical memory
Dumping physical memory to Disk: #"

The pound siqn indicates the count down which it indicates
from 1 to 100. Does anyone have a solution for this

Most Appreciative,

Jerold Schulman

I am running Window 2000pro. Everytime I turn on my
machine and I'm about to logon I get a blue screen that
says the fallowing:

"Begging dump of physical memory
Dumping physical memory to Disk: #"

The pound siqn indicates the count down which it indicates
from 1 to 100. Does anyone have a solution for this

Most Appreciative,

We need the STOP 0x..........
line that is displayed to help you.

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.

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