Membership and Role Provider Question


Erich Peterson

Hi. I'm wondering if there is a way to switch the Membership and Role
provider during runtime (or at least the connectionStringName attribute), so
that my site can switch between using the development and production server's
DB depending on where the site is current running.


Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\)

Off the top of my head, I would start experimenting with setting up an
additional provider and flip your site to that provider. A bit of a pain, of

Another way to skin this cat is a custom provider that uses the default
setup. You could then expose the actual connection string and configure on
the fly.

If I were architecting multiple applications in the Enterprise, I would
consider, as an option, putting Membership for all in one database and use a
single provider. You can use the application id to separate users. Have not
done it in the work I am doing, but it would be something to experiment on.
Not sure I would go that way, but it seems like a supported option.

Gregory A. Beamer
Co-author: Microsoft Expression Web Bible (upcoming)

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