ME to XP Upgrade



Recently Upgraded from ME to XP, in so doing my original factory installed
versions of Office 2000 programs (excel, word) appear to have been deleted.
How do I recover? Since these came factory installed I do not have disks to

no one

Rich said:
Fiona, unfortunately most of the programs that you had working with Me
need to be reinstalled when you upgraded.

Since WHEN ?

I never lost MIne!!

I think He Choose Full install instead of UPGRADE when the choice was
made to him..
I have a Friend who MADE that mistake also. Luckly he used STOMP backup.
Formated and went back to his stomp restore to win/me, Then did the
UPGRADE the Correct way and all was fine !!

Programs when they install usually

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Quite untrue. The purpose of upgrading is to preserve programs, settings,
and user data. Using FASTWIZ does not preserve a program, it preserves
settings and data for a program.

I would suspect the user accidentally chose a new installation rather than
upgrade during setup. If this is the case, reinstalling from the original
media is the only option.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


I to have upgraded 3 of my machines to XP complete with SP2.
Interestingly, most programs 'moved' easily, except some MSDOS ones - one
was my accounts program!!.
The strange thing is the portable works like a dream accessing everything,
but the 'normal PCs' resist everything.
It appears that programs run via the server (running ME), do not like XP -
except the portable. The only difference I've found so far is the portable
has an OEM version and the two PC's have upgrade versions, one converted to
NT file system and the other remained FAT32 (as the portable and ME server).
I've missed something, but for the life of me, don't know what!


Colin Barnhorst

By 'upgraded' do you mean you used the XP upgrade process or do you mean you
'moved up' from ME to XP? If you just put in the xp cd while ME was running
and selected install then you upgraded. If you started the computer with
the xp cd you may have done a new install. That would have wiped out
everything with a fresh copy of XP and no other software. If that happened,
then you may be able to recover the factory installed software from a hidden
partition on the drive.


Thank you all for your help!!!

To clarify I "moved up" from ME to XP by inserting the Win XP upgrade disc
when Me was running and choosing the "upgrade" option. My goal was to
overwrite the Win Me that came factory installed, but save the factory
installed Office programs like Excel, Word, et cetera. All other programs
came through fine (apart NAV which i fixed) but for some reason Excel and
word disappeared.

Bruce Chambers

fiona said:
Thank you all for your help!!!

To clarify I "moved up" from ME to XP by inserting the Win XP upgrade disc
when Me was running and choosing the "upgrade" option. My goal was to
overwrite the Win Me that came factory installed, but save the factory
installed Office programs like Excel, Word, et cetera. All other programs
came through fine (apart NAV which i fixed) but for some reason Excel and
word disappeared.

If you performed an in-place upgrade from an earlier edition of
Windows, and Word was already installed, you'll likely have to repair or
reinstall it, so it can add the necessary additional functions needed
for use on a multi-user OS. It may be sufficient to simply insert the
respective installation CD and select the "Detect and Repair" option.


Bruce Chambers

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