MdiParent and InvokeMember...



How can I get a form in a class library to become an MDI Child of the main
application? I've tried the following, but does not work:

Class Library...
public class Class1
public Class1()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
public static bool
DisplayForm(System.Windows.Forms.Form theMDIParent)
Form1 f = new Form1();
f.MdiParent = theMDIParent;
return true;

In Main App...
Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(@"c:\Documents and Settings\rvasquez\My
Documents\Visual Studio
Type t = asm.GetType("OtherForms.Class1");
object result = null;
object[] arguments = {this};
result = t.InvokeMember("DisplayForm",BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null,
result, arguments);

Martin Stainsby

possibly setting f.TopLevel = false; may be neccesary, it is when immitating
mdi on a normal form. Also and also guessing it mght be neccesary to set the
mdiclient as the parent rather than setting mdiparent. I did a immitation
mdi app that needed this behaviour to get a form to act as a child form,
whether it works with a proper mdi app I can only guess at.

Hope something is useful.



Martin, thank you for your reply. I found out my mistake to be the


instead of...


Martin Stainsby said:
possibly setting f.TopLevel = false; may be neccesary, it is when immitating
mdi on a normal form. Also and also guessing it mght be neccesary to set the
mdiclient as the parent rather than setting mdiparent. I did a immitation
mdi app that needed this behaviour to get a form to act as a child form,
whether it works with a proper mdi app I can only guess at.

Hope something is useful.


Robert Vasquez said:
How can I get a form in a class library to become an MDI Child of the main
application? I've tried the following, but does not work:

Class Library...
public class Class1
public Class1()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
public static bool
DisplayForm(System.Windows.Forms.Form theMDIParent)
Form1 f = new Form1();
f.MdiParent = theMDIParent;
return true;

In Main App...
Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(@"c:\Documents and Settings\rvasquez\My
Documents\Visual Studio
Type t = asm.GetType("OtherForms.Class1");
object result = null;
object[] arguments = {this};
result = t.InvokeMember("DisplayForm",BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null,
result, arguments);

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