


I use mcafee but everytime i start the computer it says active shield is not
properly installed. I want to figure out how to reinstall it.



Hi John:

Hi John:

Richard's suggestion will likely do the trick. However, if your original
copy of Mcaffee VirusScan is '03 or before, this may not completely solve the
problem. In this case, downloading the appropriate "SuperDAT" file from the
Mcaffee site might help. I am not sure, but I *think* it is the Mcaffee
equivalent of a Service Pack which will update your scan engine and all virus
definitions in one sort of a giant leap (up to the date the superdat was
written). After successfully installing the superdat, you will still have to
download some subsequent virus definition updates. This may take quite some
time. Also be sure your subscription is up-to-date.

Unfortunately, while I have this superdat on a CD at my desk, I did not
write myself any notes on where I found it and the Mcaffee site was not
helpful. I seem to remember that it can be obtained at some point during
registration after you de-/re-install. As I recall, the superdat option was
not particularly obvious during the process, so go slow.

I hope this helps.



Hi John,

If you did a Windows System Restore and rebooted. You might get this
message. To fix the problem, just check for Updates and update. No need to

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