MBSA error code 0x80041019



Recently when running MBSA 2.0 I get an incomplete scan because the Windows
Firewall has a red Exclamation Point in front of it and error code 0x80041019
listed( Windows firewall test cannot be done due to an error). I can not
figure this out. I have made no changes to my system.

WIN XP SP 2 Home Ed. Using Zone Alarm AV 6.5.722.000 with Firewall and also
eTrust Pest Patrol for Anti-spy. But this has been in effect ever since this
computer has been set up.

My Windows Security Center acknoledges that I am running this software and
not using Windows Firewall.

Until July 12, 2006 I was receiving a Strong Security rating on my MBSA
reports but now only Incomplete ratings.

Did something change on MBSA so it does not now recognize my using an
alternate Firewall?

I am confused?

Steven L Umbach

Offhand I don't know the answer but you may also want to post in the
Microsoft.public.security.baseline_analyzer newsgroup which is dedicated to
MBSA issues.


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