Maximising windows on opening



Does anyone know how I can set Internet Explorer so that
when I right click on a URL and select "open in a new
window" the window maximises when it opens?


Chad Harris


Here's my take on this. This is one of the most frequent questions, and
I've seen a variety of answers including some with magic words (just
kidding) in the equation. From what I've seen and read from a variety of
people and sites, I don't believe that IE Windows remember perfectly in all
circumstances. If someone has a holy grail that works 100% of the time,
I'm really game to see it. Keep in mind also, that with the increasing
variety of popups and popunders and pop up stoppers like the Google toolbar,
or like Microosft now offers to the public with their SP2 RC1 offering here
that the size of your window may be altered by the popup or under that is
killed behind the scenes and you may not realize this is the cause of the

This is what works for me nearly 100% of the time though with both IE and
OE windows, and I think the key is in the *manual resizing* of that second
window. I have found you can't always rely on the red X or File>Close.
**Manually resizing a duplicate of the window needs to be in the equation to
maximize your
chances of "window memory."** I have tried many *other prescriptions for
this* and none of them have held up consistently although they are presented
to be cure-alls:

1) Make a new window from the parent that you want to resize. (File>New or
2) Keep the parent open.
3) Manually resize the second window to your desired size.
4) Close the second window--File>Close or from "the rt. corner X"--it
doesn't matter.
5) Then close the parent any way you want--File>Close; rt. corner
X--keyboard combo--it shouldn't matter.

Again, remember, that since popus and popunders are so ubiquitous that often
when you think you haven't done anything *deliberately to switch a window
size that popups or pop unders* can cause Windows to remember their size.
This is often the culprit for that different sized IE window annoyance.


Chad Harris



Dave said:
Does anyone know how I can set Internet Explorer so that
when I right click on a URL and select "open in a new
window" the window maximises when it opens?


Do not use the maximize button. Grab the corners of the window and
drag it to full screen size. Close the program using the red X in the
upper right-hand corner. The next time you open the program, Windows
will remember the last screen size used.



| Does anyone know how I can set Internet Explorer so that
| when I right click on a URL and select "open in a new
| window" the window maximises when it opens?
| Thanks

You can do the following: Run Regedit. Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER. > Software >
Microsoft > Internet Explorer > Main. In the right hand column, double click
"Full Screen" and in the box type "yes" (without the quotes).

Chad Harris


Doesn't that regedit lock in a full screen window display? I thought the OP
was going after controlling window size to either a mazimized window (but
not maximized to full screen) or any other size you want to set in the
manual stretch which is what my steps will do.

Chad Harris



The second window inherits the size of the last window opened. The smaller
windows are generally caused by pop-ups. To correct, drag the side using
the double arrows then use, File/Close.


Yes, it locks in a full screen size for the IE program. I may have
misunderstood what he wanted.

| RJ--
| Doesn't that regedit lock in a full screen window display? I thought the
| was going after controlling window size to either a mazimized window (but
| not maximized to full screen) or any other size you want to set in the
| manual stretch which is what my steps will do.
| Chad Harris
| _______________________________________________________
| | >
| > | > | Does anyone know how I can set Internet Explorer so that
| > | when I right click on a URL and select "open in a new
| > | window" the window maximises when it opens?
| > |
| > | Thanks
| >
| > You can do the following: Run Regedit. Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER. >
| > >
| > Microsoft > Internet Explorer > Main. In the right hand column, double
| > click
| > "Full Screen" and in the box type "yes" (without the quotes).
| >
| >
| > ---
| > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
| > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
| > Version: 6.0.658 / Virus Database: 421 - Release Date: 4/9/2004
| >
| >

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