Max Form Fields in IE 6??



Please Help!!!
I've created a web page dynamically from a CGI with around 130 Form Fields
on it. The HTML generated works fine in other browsers (Opera etc) but in IE
6, the submit button doesn't work. When you click it, nothing happens - it's
just as though the form doesn't have an action associated with it.

It all works fine in IE 6 if there are only a few Form fields on the page.
Is there a limit to the number of Form Fields IE 6 can handle? I didn't think
that 130 was all that many really! Is there a setting I can change (maybe in
the registry or something) to increase the number of fields that can be
handled? Any other thoughts on what might be causing this problem?


Robert Aldwinckle

Is there a limit to the number of Form Fields IE 6 can handle? I didn't think
that 130 was all that many really!

It may not be the number of fields but the length of the data in them?

<title>KB208427 - INFO: Maximum URL Length Is 2,083 Characters in Internet Explorer</title>

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