MatchLast function


Howard Brazee

I have a column C containing the following:

=IF($B37>" ",MatchLast($B37,$B$2:$B36,2)," ")

I meant this to find the last entry in column B that matches $B37 -
and move its corresponding C value in.

For instance, it would move "4" into C37. But I'm getting "5" moved
in. I entered MatchLast in my Excel 2003 help and it did not find a

34 x test1 5
35 x test1 4
36 x test2 6
37 x test1 ????

How should I change this formula?

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

Give this a try...




Hello, try this in cell C37



Hello, try this in cell C37


Forgot to tell you this has to be entered in as an array using Ctrl
+Shift+Enter after you put in the formula. this should encase the
formula in { } brackets when entered in correctly.

Lars-Åke Aspelin

I have a column C containing the following:

=IF($B37>" ",MatchLast($B37,$B$2:$B36,2)," ")

I meant this to find the last entry in column B that matches $B37 -
and move its corresponding C value in.

For instance, it would move "4" into C37. But I'm getting "5" moved
in. I entered MatchLast in my Excel 2003 help and it did not find a

34 x test1 5
35 x test1 4
36 x test2 6
37 x test1 ????

How should I change this formula?

If you always have at least one match, you may try this formula in
cell C37:


Hope this helps / Lars-Åke

Dave Peterson

One more:


I like empty strings--not single space characters--to make the cell look empty.

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

I just thought I would make a note that I used my


test instead of a test similar to this...


in order to stop the #N/A error that gets generated if the text in B37 was
not empty, but also didn't appear in any of the earlier cells of Column B.


Howard Brazee

I got a circular reference.
Forgot to tell you this has to be entered in as an array using Ctrl
+Shift+Enter after you put in the formula. this should encase the
formula in { } brackets when entered in correctly.

I'm not familiar with this, but I copied the formula to a text editor,
moved it to one line, then copied it to cell C37, pasted it, hit
Ctl/Shift/Enter and it put brackets around it. But it displayed a

Could you explain what this did, so that I can try to debug it?

Howard Brazee

Give this a try...



That worked for B37, but I neglected to say that this is a spreadsheet
that is growing. Every week I add a new line. I'm up to line 50
now. Copying B37 down got bad references.

When I get a new value, I overwrite this formula with the new value.

Howard Brazee

If you always have at least one match, you may try this formula in
cell C37:


I put in a new row each week, whenever there is a new value in the B
column, I overtype the C formula with its corresponding new value.

My first set of values is in row 3, I have the formula currently set
to go to row 100, although I only have the first 50 rows populated
with data. Your formula displayed #### for me.

Howard Brazee

One more:


I like empty strings--not single space characters--to make the cell look empty.

That appears to work for me, thanks.

Lars-Åke Aspelin

I got a circular reference.

I'm not familiar with this, but I copied the formula to a text editor,
moved it to one line, then copied it to cell C37, pasted it, hit
Ctl/Shift/Enter and it put brackets around it. But it displayed a

Could you explain what this did, so that I can try to debug it?

Try changing the $C$37 to $B$36 in the formula above.
(The formula should still be in cell C37)


Lars-Åke Aspelin

Try changing the $C$37 to $B$36 in the formula above.
(The formula should still be in cell C37)


Sorry, I meant, "change $C$37 to $B$37"

Howard Brazee

That appears to work for me, thanks.

Nope, it worked plugging some in. Then I copied it to cells C3
through C100 and filled in the values by hand for C3, C4, C8, C27,
C35, & C43 (which correspond to new B3, B4, B8, B27, B35, & B43
values), and it didn't work. So I changed cell C37 to be:

and then copied it up and down from C5-C100 (keeping my overwritten C3
& C4).

The other new values showed ##N/A until I populated them (overwriting
the formula with the values). The correct figures are populating,

Lars-Åke Aspelin

I put in a new row each week, whenever there is a new value in the B
column, I overtype the C formula with its corresponding new value.

My first set of values is in row 3, I have the formula currently set
to go to row 100, although I only have the first 50 rows populated
with data. Your formula displayed #### for me.

I forgot to mention that this formula has to be entered as an array
formula, i.e. with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER rather than just ENTER.

Hope this helps / Lars-Åke

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