Match & combine rows from 2 worksheets



I have two worksheets w/ data that I want to combine into a single worksheet.
I want to combine rows based upon one column of data that each shares:

worksheet 1:

ID # Name State
1 Bob Ohio
1 Sue Utah
2 Joe Iowa

Worksheet 2:

ID# Location size
1 east 4
2 midwest 6

Combined Worksheet:

ID# Name State Location Size
1 Bob Ohio east 4
1 Sue Utah east 4
2 Joe iowa midwest 6

I am struggling to figure this out.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

Bernie Deitrick


In cell D2 of worksheet 1, use the formula

=VLOOKUP($A2,'Worksheet 2'!$A:$C,COLUMN()-2,False)

Copy it to cell E2, then copy D2:E2 to match your data in worksheet 1. You can then copy columns D
and E and pastespecial values, then get rid of worksheet 2, if you want.

MS Excel MVP


Doug said:
I have two worksheets w/ data that I want to combine into a single worksheet.
I want to combine rows based upon one column of data that each shares:

worksheet 1:

ID # Name State
1 Bob Ohio
1 Sue Utah
2 Joe Iowa

Worksheet 2:

ID# Location size
1 east 4
2 midwest 6

Combined Worksheet:

ID# Name State Location Size
1 Bob Ohio east 4
1 Sue Utah east 4
2 Joe iowa midwest 6

I am struggling to figure this out.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks


Sorry but I am not getting it. I don't see where VLOOKUP will do the combine
of the worksheets in the example on the link you provided.


Thank you. With a little trial and error it work. My data was more
complicated then the example I posted so I had to figure out the formula.

Thanks again!!!

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