Master Slides



I am a technology teacher, teaching PowerPoint. I have a student who
designed her presentation in the Master Slide View. Now, she can not play a
presentation and we can not copy and paste it into a regular slide show.
There is a number of slides, so trying to redo everything would be very
time-consuming. Does anyone have any advice as to take her slides from the
Master slides to a regular presentation. Thank you in advance for your help!

Lucy Thomson

Hi there

So she has created a presentation with multiple masters but no actual slides
in it? The simplest way would be to create as many new slides as she has
masters then apply each master slide to one actual slide (if you are not sure
how to do this post back with your/her version).

If this is a one off presentation that should do, but if it is one she will
re-use then I would do a bit more to it to make it less confusing :) So,
start with a blank presentation, set up the master (with background colour,
font size etc etc), go to her masters presentation, select everything on
master one & copy/paste into new slide in new presentation. Oh hang on, you
said that didn't work. Why not? What happened?

Does that help?


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